This is the only copy of the original Benge brochure that I've ever seen. It came from Bill Hall,
who made a copy from the original back in the 1970s. The original was in blue and white.
It was owned by his teacher, Frank Lisanti, who studied with and worked for Elden Benge.
The brochure was a four-page foldover; I've scanned it in three parts for easier viewing.
Special thanks go out to Tony Pons, another Lisanti student, who connected me with Bill.
We can narrow down the date to 1936/37. Benge started making trumpets in 1935, but wasn't quite
ready to advertise, it seems, until he'd made a number of trumpets. By November 30, 1937 the
family had moved to 2511 N. Major, on the West Side of Chicago.

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